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mars dragon edged page.jpg
scroll down
nearness CERN new page.jpg
CERN *France nuclear research has free astrophysics you can browse on the 5th Dimension/Quantum
Ramses Alien page.jpg
1997 'my little aliens' oil/canvas 16"x20" by 1st 5th
ramses page.jpg
jupiter  lights redone.jpg
nearness thru extra dimension CERN page.
felix blue psychic TIP ok  page.jpg
face on mars palimpsest page x.jpg
rocks in space page.jpg
snowden halloween excuse page.jpg
Postman sent me MARs url - Copy.jpg
Monolithic Duo oil/canvas 16"x20" original rv by 1st 5th
sp ship fx.jpg
blue shift ship.jpg
red shift ship.jpg
Blue/Red shift ships oil/canvas 16"x12" by pg aka 1st 5th aka Zombie Rat
saturn red hexagon page.jpg
pink sky rocks mars page.jpg
supercomputer on Titius Bode's Progession: God's signature
BODES LAW - astronomical formula /worked here by 1st 5th
*aka the Asteroid Belt
Ingo Swann's rat sheet on abuse
swann gate to hell page.JPG
ingo swann jupiter page.jpg
ingo swann my old site page.jpg
max ernst 5d leap page.jpg
old article from Above Top Secret site now gone/says Sarfatti was on a monolith no idea if true or not
monolith above top secret.jpg
monolith above top secret 2-3.jpg
monolith above top secret 3-3.jpg
mars odd page.jpg
MARS curiosity rock page.jpg
alien love cow patch.jpg
cool Alien Love Cow patch you can get it at Amazon
solar spike girl painting page.jpg
solar spike X high page - Copy.jpg
Snowden's password was GHOST &...he has never been drunk
Snowden HAVEN APP android phones Laptop
soyuz page chute - Copy.jpg
Soyuz, original oil remote view 2006 pg aka 1st 5th aka Zombie Rat
oil/canvas 16" x 20" 2006
Titan page.jpg
space page.jpg
LY remote views.jpg
ENEMY MINE space bug eaten page.jpg
arks evidence piri reis map page xxx.jpg
antarctic fineuous map google match no t
my painted puzzle.JPG
puzzle piece by pg
girl chariot mars drone remote intel pag
Felix plunge EARTH page 1.jpg
ghosts of mars page.jpg
ingo lost budget insert.jpg
this ops is the new improved digitally advanced Stargate now Remote Intel XXX
Ingo Swann was killed same day as Chris Kyle (doing sniper training & Stargate promo)
IO jupiters moon page.jpg
Mars victoria crater page 1 (2).jpg
mars censored black page.jpg
my little aliens z - Copy.jpg
'my little aliens' 16" x 20" oil/canvas original 1996 by pg aka Zombie Rat
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